Follow Jesus!

Blog Post #17

Follow Jesus.PNG

How closely do you follow Jesus?

I was perusing Instagram today when this question popped into my mind. The reason? I was pouring over posts from an artist I don’t follow.

And that got me thinking, if Jesus had an Instagram account, how many of us would follow Him? Or would we be intrigued enough to check His page occasionally, but unwilling to press the “follow” button for fear of what other people would think?

If we really profess to know Jesus and call Him, Father, Brother, Friend, Lord, and Lover, why wouldn’t we follow Him? Imagine if your best friend didn’t follow you. I won’t speak for anyone else, but that would hurt my feelings!

So what’s your status with Jesus? Do you follow Him? Are you friends? Or is it complicated? And complicated is okay, it implies a real relationship. Get mad. Talk it out. Cry. Scream. But don’t block Him. Don’t unfollow Him. Don’t unfriend Him.

Because His posts are the Truth. His friendship is real. His advice is the best. He’s accessible to you 24/7 and He loves you through it all.

So make sure, every time you check social media, that you check in with Jesus.

P.S. Make this classic song "I Will Follow Him" from Sister Act your theme song! (If you've never heard it before be sure to stick around for the special surprise at 1:34!) 


Proud to Be An American


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