“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”

- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

An evil that has taken more lives “daily in America than COVID, heart disease, cancer, or any other cause of death” (Lila Rose, Founder of Live Action) is abortion. Our silence about the slaughter of these innocent children and the scars left on their mothers and fathers has to end. It is time for us to speak…to speak for the voiceless, the pre-born. It is time for us to act…act by writing to representatives…act by praying and marching for life…act by donating to local pregnancy centers…act by praying and walking with moms and dads who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and those who were lured into the lies of the abortion industry. It is time for us as Americas, as Christians, and as human beings to end the greatest human rights issue of our time by eradicating the evil of “The Culture of Death” and bringing about what St. Pope John Paul II referred to as, “The Culture of Life.” It is time for us all to stand for life!