As the leadership of our churches and schools, it is becoming increasingly more challenging to lead our flocks in the direction God is calling. Distractions assail us at every turn, our leadership is often overcommitted and our flock over-scheduled. We seem to be living increasingly in a post-Christian society and we can't seem to fight the feeling that the world has gone mad! We want to follow Jesus, but we can't seem to hear His voice through all the muck and mire of our present reality. We're not even sure we understand the mission anymore.

How do we settle down, regroup and get back on track? "Hearing His Voice: Learning to Listen, Live, Lead, and Love Like Jesus" is a retreat experience designed to help your leadership team relax, rejuvenate and restore so they can better see, hear, worship and respond to our loving Lord, allowing that encounter to transform their personal lives and public ministries!