Tick-Tock Through the Testaments

Blog Post #30

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Have you taken a spiritual adventure lately? I have, right in my own Bible! I documented this unique experience and posted about it this week. If you didn’t see the video, check it out now!

I’m always up for a creative experience and this is something I read about many years ago and enjoy doing from “time to time.” (Pun intended...and you’ll see why in just a moment.) This Bible adventure takes nothing more than a willing heart, a “time” piece and, of course, a Bible. And it works like this, you simply look at the time (say, 5:15) and then randomly go through the different books of the Bible looking at the 5th Chapter 15 verse and see where God takes you.

As you can see from the video, I landed in some very interesting and unsuspecting places, and you will too if you just give it a try.

Who says reading Scripture has to be systematic and chronological? That may be important for some types of Biblical experiences and studies, but there are also times when you just want to be enlightened and inspired with a singular verse.

For that matter, sometimes it doesn’t even take an entire verse. After all, it was St. Catherine of Siena who once said that, “A thousand of God’s secrets are contained in a single word.”

And the Bible offers a whole bunch of words to pick from. Let’s see...a Catholic Bible is made up of 73 books with 46 of those books being found in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. And of those 73 books there are over 31,000 verses, not to mention the number of individual words! If St. Catherine of Siena is on to something, that adds up to a whole bunch of God’s secrets, which is fascinating to ponder.

What secret do you think God might be whispering in YOUR ear? Just as a creative Biblical experiment, maybe you should look at the time, randomly open your Bible to that chapter and verse, and read what it has to say. Perhaps the Lord will take you somewhere you’ve never been before and you will be inspired and tempted to whisper a secret back to God. How cool is that?


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