How to Keep Your Summer Sacred: Links and Resources

Blog Post #60

1. Keep Attending Mass

We know that lots of people go out of town over the summer that’s why you need to know about this app/website. It is They also have an app! All you have to do is enter the city, state, or zip code and it gives you the closest churches, their addresses, phone numbers, and their Mass times! You can even change the filter to search for specific days of the week if you are looking to up your Mass going, which we highly recommend! 

2. Keep having Spiritual Adventures/Pilgrimages 

While you’re on, find a parish close by that you’ve never been to before and go have a spiritual adventure! Two hidden gems that come to mind are St. Barbara Catholic Church in Cloverdale and St. Stephen The Bend in Sherwood. 

St. Barbara, is a stunning little church with a powerful history! Destroyed in a tornado in 2013, rebuilt and dedicated two years later, it is a church with history, hope, and holiness. At an event we presented there, my then boyfriend, now husband, Derek, commented, “it even smells holy!”

St. Stephen the Bend, is another must see! With a gorgeous painting of the Ascension of Jesus behind their Altar, it fills you with wonder and awe while worshipping!

3. Keep it Classy with Your Alcohol

If you want to classily drink your way through the liturgical year, we would recommend getting the book “Drinking with the Saints: The Sinner's Guide to a Holy Happy Hour.” “Pub-crawl your way through the liturgical year with this light-hearted collection of cocktail recipes, monastic lore, Latin toasts, and recommendations on spirits, wine, and beer for every season! With delicious recipes from “The Monk” (Gin, Lemon juice, Benedictine) to “The Bonny Scott” (Scotch, Drambuie, Calvados, Passion fruit), this book is one part bartender’s guide and one part spiritual manual.”

For those struggling to overcome an addiction to alcohol, consider asking for the intercession of the Patron Saint of Alcoholics! Read about him here

4. Keep it Growthful

As the saying goes, when you’re green, you are growing. When you’re ripe, you’re rotten! Don’t rot this summer, but be vibrant and full of life by reading the Words of Eternal life! We recommend reading one verse of Scripture a day and one paragraph of something Catholic. 

For that one paragraph of something Catholic we would recommend, “He and I.” It is the true story of a woman who was being spoken to by God. She wrote down everything He said to her in journal format. If you are serious about growing this summer, this book is a must! Here is a little snippet to get you growing!

“See how important the sun’s rays are for the things of the earth. Will people ever understand that God is their life-giving sun, the great Enchanter of all their days, the unique goal of their existence?” - God from the book “He and I”

5. Keep Covered Up

Keep covered up with sunscreen (consider purchasing our favorite clean sunscreen here) and with clothes and swimwear that celebrate you and your beautiful soul!

Finding clothes that draw attention to your dignity and not your derriere can be difficult. The good news is Jessica Rey Swimwear has you covered, literally! Shop her line here.

And she and Catholic speaker Leah Darrow wrote a book entitled, “Decent Exposure.” This book gives you the “how” in the “how to” dress with integrity.

6. Keep Socializing

Get together with family and friends and make holy moments happen! Around the table ask about the best and worst parts of their day and where they saw Jesus. Ask how you can be praying for them. Have a short Bible study or prayer experience. Invite your family and friends to go deeper!

7. Keep Sitting Out Under the Stars

Stare up at the Heavens and know how deeply you are loved by the Creator of it all! 




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