Extraordinary Ordinary Time!

Blog Post #37

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Today is the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time in the Catholic Church, and, trust me, that’s cause for celebration, because it’s the time during the liturgical calendar that we celebrate the public ministry of Jesus, stretching all the way from the Baptism of Jesus to the time of his suffering and death. And that’s a whole lot of stuff to study, think about, reflect upon, pray over, and imitate!

Ordinary Time (OT) is depicted by the color green, which is totally appropriate as green represents growth and that’s the hope of OT…that we will grow and mature in the faith. I have to say, that’s my favorite thing about OT…a special season of growing, learning, reflecting, and maturing. It’s an opportunity to convert and start living more like our Savior. And who among us couldn’t stand to do a better job imitating Christ?

In case you’re not aware, Ordinary Time is actually divided into two periods, the first being the time period between Christmastide and Lent, and the second being the time period between Eastertide and Advent. Combined, it usually runs about 34 weeks in total.

Kristen and I offer a program entitled “There’s Nothing Ordinary About Ordinary Time” and the truth is, while it doesn’t always get the same attention as Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, I love that title because it’s just so true! In fact, Ordinary time is actually quite extraordinary!

So let me ask you, if you were going to focus on one or two aspects of the public ministry of Christ, what would they be?

Perhaps one way to figure out the answer to that question is to ask yourselves what about your own public ministry could use some sprucing up?

I’ve been thinking about it and I’ve decided that I’d like to delve into what character traits and charismatic qualities led to Jesus being the most dominant figure in the history of Western culture for almost twenty centuries.

Another thing I’ve always been curious about is John 21:25 where it tells us that, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” I’d love to spend some time reflecting on what those other things might have been. Did Jesus like to experiment in the kitchen with spices while Mary looked on with amusement? Was He athletic? Musical? A good stone-skipper? Did he like to joke around or was He more reserved? And what did He like better, water or mountains? Which of His miracles was His favorite and what member of His family tree most annoyed Him? But then also, who did He most enjoy and why? I’d like to know, because knowing these things would tell me more about this person who I’m trying to grow closer to.

These are just a couple of suggestions for how you might grow closer to our Lord during OT. You could also spend extra time reading the four Gospels and paying better attention to the details.

Whatever you do, don’t let Ordinary Time pass you by without doing a little adventuring into Jesus’ public ministry. Go ahead, ask questions, explore options, have a family discussion, and dig for answers. Whatever you do, find a way to make Ordinary Time extraordinary!!


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