Blog Post #63

What’s the most important thing to do when you buy a house?

Get some instagram worthy shots outside the front door? Nope! Get homeowner’s insurance? Nope! (Although you should definitely do that!) Get a bottle of Champagne and break it over the mantle? Nope! (Messy, sticky…not at all advised!)

The most important thing you can do when you buy a house is…drum roll please! 

Have it blessed!

A few Fridays ago, we had Fr. Andrew Wellmann over to bless our new abode. It should be noted that the blessing of a home can only occur if the owners are present.  As I stood in the kitchen with my husband, Derek, and our son, Chandler, we figured we could safely check that pre-req off the list!

The blessing began when Fr. Andrew said the introductory rites that start by invoking the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then he proceeded to say, “Peace be with this house and with all who live here.” 

Now I’m going to pause right there because…peace? Yes, please! We want peace. We want our place to be a source of rest and rejuvenation. We want our mental, emotional, and spiritual space to be calm and serene. We want our family life to be filled with kindness and the love of Jesus Christ. “Peace be with this house and with all who live here.” Again…yes, please!

The opening rite continues with these words, “When Christ took flesh through the Blessed Virgin Mary, He made His home with us. Let us now pray that He will enter this home and bless it with His presence. May He always be here with you, share in your joys, comfort you in your sorrows. Inspired by His teachings and example, seek to make your new home before all else a dwelling place of love, diffusing far and wide the goodness of Christ.”

As Fr. Andrew was speaking these words, I made the mental note to look up this entire rite of blessing.  I wanted to read these words again and again, and maybe even put them on artwork to be displayed in our home because I think they are that profound! “Jesus made his home with us.” What beautiful words! What a beautiful image! What a beautiful reality! 

He is home with us because we have invited Him and asked Him to be here. And through His Presence, His teachings, and His example we are learning how to make our home a “dwelling place of love” that shares the good news of God! That sounds like a mini-Heaven on earth to me!

If this is getting you excited about blessing your home, there’s even more, as that was only the introductory rite!

Next came a reading and Psalm from Sacred Scripture. There are different readings and Psalms the Priest, Deacon, or lay person can choose, but Fr. Andrew chose the reading from Luke: 10:5-9 “Peace to this household.” And Psalm 112, “Happy are those who fear the Lord.”  

After we prayed the Psalm together, Fr. Andrew offered up the intercessions. After each intention, we responded, “Stay with us, Lord.” Each of these petitions and the subsequent response was so beautifully stated that I’ve included them for you to pray as well:

“Lord Jesus Christ, by Your life with Mary and Joseph You sanctified the life of the home; dwell with us in our home, so that we may have You as our guest and honor You as our Head. (For this we pray:)” R. “Stay with us, Lord.”

“In You every dwelling grows into a holy temple; grant that those who live in this house may be built up together into the dwelling place of God in the Holy Spirit. (For this we pray:)” R. “Stay with us, Lord.”

“You taught Your followers to build their houses upon solid rock; grant that the members of this family may hold fast to Your teachings and, free of all discord, serve You with their whole heart. (For this we pray:)” R. “Stay with us, Lord.”

“You had no place to lay Your head, but in uncomplaining poverty You accepted the hospitality of Your friends; grant that through our help people who are homeless may obtain decent housing. (For this we pray:)” R. “Stay with us, Lord.”

These petitions were followed by the prayer of blessing: 

“Lord, be close to Your servants
who move into this home
and ask for Your blessing.

Be their shelter when they are at home,
their companion when they are away,
and their welcome guest when they return.
And at last receive them
into the dwelling place You have prepared for them
in Your Father's house,
where You live for ever and ever.” R. “Amen.”

Following this prayer of blessing was the sprinkling rite. We walked from room to room and Fr. Andrew blessed each space and place with Holy Water. It was a powerful reminder that this house is holy and that holiness happens here. This instilled an awe in us. What before was seen as four walls and a door was now seen for what it really is…sacred space. (Yes, even the dirty garage!) 

Coming back to where we started, the kitchen, Fr. Andrew closed with the concluding rite: “May the peace of Christ rule in our hearts, and may the word of Christ in all its richness dwell in us, so that whatever we do in word and in work, we will do in the name of the Lord.” R. “Amen.”

This beautiful Catholic blessing and rite invited God to stay with us, always, and that left us feeling safe, secure, and closer to our Savior. 

If you haven’t had your home blessed, it is never too late! Call your Parish Priest and prepare to invite Jesus in…it is the most important thing you can do to make your house a place of peace and a “dwelling place of love.”

What are you waiting for? Get your house blessed today! And while you’re at it, bless your books too!


