50 Ways to Keep Celebrating Easter!

Blog Post #51

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Easter goes on for 50 days, all the way to the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. So here are 50 ways to keep the celebration going:

1. Hunt for Easter Eggs - Yep! No matter how young or how old, an old fashioned Easter egg hunt is good for the soul. Eggs can be hidden inside or outside (whatever weather permits). Fill eggs with coins and use this money only for spiritual experiences/purchases.  

2. Color Eggs - This is another main staple Easter to-do, but give it a Resurrection spin! After dying the eggs and allowing them to dry, pull out a black sharpie and Bible. Write a Resurrection reference on each egg. Example: Matthew 28:5-6 “He is Risen!”

3. Share a Story - Speak about Resurrection in your own life! When did God bring you out of the grave into newness of life?

4. Clear out - Choose one item to donate that is no longer serving you, but could bring about newness of life in someone else!

5. Play Scrabble - Get arranging those letters! Bonus points are awarded to any player who creates words dealing with the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

6. Keep your Decorations Up - Or, if you’re like me, get your decorations out! With a family member falling ill on Holy Saturday I never got around to putting out our decorations. So, good thing it’s still Easter! Allow these decorations to remind you of the greatest love story of all time…the love Jesus Christ has for you!

7. Attend Daily Mass - The Mass is where we celebrate the death and Resurrection of Jesus and receive Him into our hearts, souls, and bodies. Challenge yourself to spend more time with our Eucharistic Lord because Jesus has often said to mystics of the Church, “There is not an orphan more forsaken than I.” Let’s go to Him, be one with Him, and celebrate the great love He has for us as often as we can!

8. Pray the Glorious Mysteries daily - These mysteries reflect on the Resurrection of our Lord, His Ascension into Heaven 40 days later, and the Descent of the Holy Spirit 50 days later. This was a truly EPIC time in the Church and it is something to prayerfully discern and decide to make a part of your daily life!

9. Find a quote of the day - And make it one about Resurrection! One I am always fond of is, “Love always involves the cross…but after the cross there is Resurrection.” It reminds me that love and sacrifice are synonymous, but beautiful, miraculous things come out of this Christlike combination.

10. Read about the Resurrection - Matthew 28:1-8, 11-15; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-11; and John 20:1-10 are all Resurrection accounts. Read them and place yourself in the shoes of each person. Experience the truth of the Resurrection from every perspective and allow it to broaden your own! 

11. Picture Butterflies - Did you know that butterflies are a symbol of Resurrection? Thinking about their lifecycle it’s not difficult to realize why. At one point they are ugly caterpillars. However, once they form a chrysalis the transformation begins. These once ugly caterpillars become beautiful butterflies. Take time to picture butterflies whether on the internet, at a butterfly house, at your church (St. Patrick Catholic Church has a window picturing a butterfly for the very reason that it is a symbol of Resurrection) or draw one of your own and be inspired by its Resurrection story.

12. Explore Resurrection art - Find pieces that speak to your soul! 

13. Create your own Resurrection artwork - It can be abstract, pointillism, modern, impressionistic, or stick figures! Just get working!

14. Discover Resurrection poetry - Find poetry that makes you think about His great love in another way! I would recommend Joseph Mary Plunkett’s, “I See His Blood Upon the Rose.”

15. Write your own poetry - It can be short. It can be lengthy. It can be a haiku. It can be a nesting meditation. Whatever it is, write what comes to your mind and see what flows onto the page!

16. Serve daily - I recently saw on Facebook a post about your last day on earth. If you knew it was your last day how you might spend it? Would you eat all your favorite foods? Would you spend that time completing every conceivable task on your bucket list? Or would you do what Jesus did? The post then hit you square in the face when it said, Jesus knew it was his last day and He washed feet! What did He do on His last full day alive? He served.

17. Dance - Dance for the glory of God! When I was younger my friend and I were constantly making up dance routines. We loved the creative process and the fun of busting a move together. Do the same for God! Pick an awesome Christian song and get choreographing! 

18. Visit a cemetery - As you pass each tombstone, pray for the Resurrection of each person, body and soul!

19. Run a race - Tie up those shoe laces and get going! All the while, think of what it must have been like to be Peter and John running to the empty tomb!

20. Have coffee with God - What better way to continue to celebrate Easter than to come closer to Christ through coffee! I got this idea from the time Mom and I were the Lenten Mission speakers in Cromwell, CT. While we were there, a group of ladies invited us to “Coffee with God.” How do you turn down coffee with God? You don’t! We went to this faith sharing and it was a fabulous encounter with Christ and one we have continued to carry with us!

21. Go for a nature walk - See what signs of new life are awaiting your attention, admiration, and awe!

22. Bake your own bread - Bread is significant. Bread becomes Christ’s body and it is the most profound way for us to experience, recognize, and encounter the risen Christ! Be reminded that on the road to Emmaus the disciples did not recognize Jesus until the breaking of the bread! 

23. Watch the movie “The Case for Christ” - Let your doubting Thomas ways once again be put to rest as you realize the astounding evidence we actually have for the Resurrection of Jesus!

24. Pack a picnic - A picnic in the park is the perfect place to watch the sunset. All the while, ponder the great love of God by reflecting on these words He spoke to Catholic, French, mystic Gabrielle Bossis, “My sunsets are also My love. So few of My children look at them to praise Me…and yet My love is there.”

25. Sip wine - Sit down at a local winery, take some sips, and think about how Jesus takes ordinary elements, bread and wine and transforms them into His very self.  

26. Browse a bookstore - Find a new spiritual read to continue to grow this Easter Season!

27. Make a blanket fort - Once the fort is completed, tuck yourself inside it, and have a movie marathon of the Lord of the Rings and experience death and Resurrection from the creative, Catholic mind of J.R.R. Tolkien.

28. Spend an evening under the stars - Look up at the night sky and discuss what you think Heaven will be like!

29. Chat - Talk to a family member or friend about the people you are most looking forward to be reunited with in Heaven.

30. Journey - Take in your surroundings like never before by stopping and exploring new (or new to you) local spots. At each stop, give thanks to God for something you see or experience in this new place!

31. Capture the current moment - Go completely tech free for a few hours. See what God brings to your attention when you are not so distracted.

32. Hug a tree - Seriously! Trees have been proven to make people happier. From the shade they provide, to the grounded-ness and depth of their roots, to the years they represent, to the image of growth, to the symbol of redemption. Spend some time amidst the trees!

33. Discover - Take time to learn new information about the Resurrection of Jesus! Such as, did you know the Catholic Church has remnants of the crown of thorns and the cross of Christ? Amazing!

34. Download apps - Get the ones that help you grow in faith! I would highly recommend the “Truth and Life” app. It is a Catholic audio Bible that really helps me know His Words and Him!

35. Write a letter of encouragement - The written word is powerful. Use it to bring about Resurrection in someone who you know needs a little boost! 

36. Fight for a cause - Make it a cause close to the heart of Jesus, such as the protection of those in the womb!

37. Fish - This is one of Jesus’ favorite pastimes. Commune with Jesus Christ by dropping in a line and anticipating a great catch!

38. Fly a kite - As it soars upward, picture Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven! This is an event that we celebrate during the Easter Season!

39. Gaze upon Jesus in the Monstrance - St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta used to attend adoration and she would say, “I look at Him, and He looks at me.” Embrace that loving gaze!

40. Gravitate toward the Godly - The Easter season is the ideal time to turn away from any sin nature and begin again! Set Godly goals and hit those marks!

41. Grip a palm cross - I became aware of palm crosses when my aunt was dying of cancer. Gripping that cross can be such a source of calm and comfort. It is a constant reminder that He knows, He cares, and He is here!

42. Pinpoint areas of disbelief - Investigate and uncover until they become areas of belief!

43. Retreat - Whether you go on a formal “retreat” or set aside “retreat” time, allow yourself some quiet, and calm to really commune with the Lord.

44. Rise up - Just as Jesus rose, try to rise up first thing in the morning when your alarm goes off! Make these first moments a celebration of a new day and a time of spiritual renewal as you pray or read your Bible.

45. Jump with joy that Jesus is alive - Get out a jumprope and get your hop on. Let it bring back the joy of childhood and allow it to release the inhibitions you place on yourself when it comes to praising God!

46. Supercharge your soul - Determine one fun thing you will do everyday in celebration of Easter! When we have something fun to look forward to, our souls soar!

47. Transform your life - Choose one area of struggle to transform during this Easter season! 

48. Listen to epic Resurrection music - I highly recommend Matt Maher’s “Because He Lives!”

49. Focus on the good - What we focus on increases, and so challenge yourself this Easter Season to focus on the Good News of Jesus Christ and shout it from the rooftops!

50. Rejoice that Jesus is alive by loving others well - Smile, hug, share a word of encouragement! Follow the advice of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta and, “Do small things with great love!” 

Keep celebrating!!!


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